Thursday, August 9, 2007

We had to combine five of our photographs So I combined one of my dog, my
sisters sun conure, a friend of mine, and my sisters boyfriend sitting in a
chair waiting for her before prom in his tux.
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Friday, July 20, 2007

Comic Strip

We had to make a comic strip and I was at a lose on what to do, so I
remembered a bit from earlier in the day when I saw a friends away message of a
few quotes, and one was from his girlfriend it was a joke about star wars, and I
thought it was cute and funny, So I used that to make a comic strip.

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we also had to do a screen print of it in fireworks.

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In this assignment we were to make a collage of at least three pictures. I put four pictures together. I feel that this collage targets the art community. The positions of the photos, and the layer effects that I used, it has an artistic feel to it. With different effects on each layer, it shows the beauty in each photograph.

These Photographs I took myself.

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We Had to also do a screen print of our Fireworks as we were working on it, as you can see I had a ton of things going on also, he he.
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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

My Favorite Song

I love this song at the moment, Pink, is my type of girl, she speaks it right in this song, Every feeling I have when I go out, is spoken in this song.

Tools Assignment

In this assignment we worked with a picture of sunflowers. We had to work with the tools in Fireworks, and understand what they did and how they worked.This is the Original Image
And this is the photo that I edited

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Photo manipulation

The Purpose of this photo assignment, was to get used to the manipulation of layers. Original Poster

Assignment Photographs

These are four photographs that I put together using Adobe Fireworks. I used the layer manipulation to create this. I put two photographs together to get this effect. These photos were taken By me, I worked with them digitally myself.

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This photo includes a combination of three photographs two of the same to have the blur effect in the background, and one sharp in the front

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This is the same photographs again with the blur effect, but the front photograph is horizontally flipped and with a red effect.

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This Photo has the same one in the background but a different in the front, of a stomach to help emphasize the effects.

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The same two photographs as the one just right before, but with different effects.

Any comments or concerns contact me at My email
Thank you.