Thursday, July 12, 2007

little 'bout me!

I am Christine, also known as Chrissy most of the time.
I am going to to Herkimer Country community college for photography. I have been
studding photography for about a year now at Herkimer, I took about 5 months of
studies at my local boces of Visual communications. What I hope to do with this
degree is work in a portrait studio under someone till I have enough money to
start my own portrait studio up. I want to open this studio somewhere in Texas,
northern Texas. I'm very into the country life style, I live in the boonies when
I am at home and that is where I love to be. I love having lots of land and
being able to do what ever I want with it. I love muddin' and hiking, being
outdoors. I'm an animal lover, but I agree with hunting, as long as your not
doing it for a game. I love to go to my target range and shoot, I love to shoot,
and I have really good aim. I know how to shoot a gun, I am looking into getting
my pistol permit so I can get my own pistol legally, but right now I am too
young by New York State law, a couple more years and I will get it. I fish also,
I practice the catch and release method, one thing though I don't touch the worm
or the fish, I need someone else to do that for me. When I am not outside I am
usually either playing with my Sega Genesis, or PS2, or On my awesome tricked
out computer. I love playing with computers, I know enough about computers, I'm
learning day by day. I usually play the Sims 2 on my computer but the disk is
not at my house right now, after the move back from college I never got it back.
I have been spending most of my time on the internet, my most visited site is
Myspace.. My Myspace I designed
myself Chrissy's
, Take a look. I love to talk, as you can see, I work at Stewart's
for the time being, and Love the job minus all the hours on your feet, but other
than that the job rocks my boss is awesome, so are all the other people that
work there. I work Long hours there, sometimes till Closing which is midnight,
not to bad, but sometimes it gets really busy and its hard to keep up. Well I
think that is it for now. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

This is something I did in my spare time of my pack of cigarettes one day,
editing done myself.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Christine Kearney

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